~*Tinkerbelle*~ STOP THE TRAFFIK

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Theory Corner - Part Two

I was sitting with my usual lunch bunch friends and was discussing with them another theory which i have only recently been discovering. So, here 'tis......

Theory 3
When i was being formed and created in my mother's body, all the genes for a boy were being put together.

Unfortunately, a girl gene got through at the very last moment during the final touches and before i or my parents knew it, i was being born.....INTO A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

Now anybody who knows me well will know that i am not a "girly-girl" and here are my supporting reasons why....

  1. I sweat a lot making it extremely difficult to apply make-up. This also makes wearing make-up a hassle and not worth the effort to wear. (Because of that ONE girly gene, i feel the need to wear it!)
  2. I hate wearing skirts and only do so on Sundays (uniform) or when my pants/jeans are in the wash.
  3. I hate cleaning.
  4. I get along with the majority of boys easier than i get along with girls.
  5. I am not colour co-ordinated and don't really mind what clothes i wear. (Jeans are good for everything!)
  6. I hate dressing up in dresses or formal clothes. In fact i hate celebrational type activities because i feel obliged to look smart and wear make-up.
  7. I don't obsess about food which means i'm not a size 4 which means i don't have a "girly figure".
  8. I'm not quiet and naive, i'm loud and boystrous - not easily embaressed.
  9. I don't like pink.
  10. I like to have fun and boys seem to have more fun.
  11. I like gross-out, squelchy things including internal organs on an operating table and i don't mind burning ants with a magnifying glass. If you can get dirty and messy, the more fun it is.

The only thing which contributes to my "girly" gene would have to be this....

  1. My love and undying affection for jewellery. I'm obsessed with it.

Here endeth the theory corner for today. I almost came out a boy - almost!

Tink xoxo


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