Perfect Match
Did you ever used to do those things in high school where you'd put your name loves your lovers name???
And then you'd tally it up to see what percentage you got? And to see whether they were your perfect match?
Well, boys and girls you can put your brains to rest and your pencils aside because now the worldwide web has invented the:
Just click on the link to find out how perfect your match really is?!
Tink xoxo
ie. Alisha Blackman
Ben Affleck
And then you'd tally it up to see what percentage you got? And to see whether they were your perfect match?
Well, boys and girls you can put your brains to rest and your pencils aside because now the worldwide web has invented the:
Just click on the link to find out how perfect your match really is?!
Tink xoxo
That's mean!!
How are things in Australia...just was clicking links and found your blog...very cool...mean, but cool.
By Jason Waters, at May 22, 2006
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