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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The 'Thousands'

There's always been an era. In the last 100 years, it's been the 20's,30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. But what will tomorrow be called? The thousands??? Well they've been thousands for a long time!

I read an interesting article in the MX Newspaper on Wednesday i think and it basically just addressed the question of what will tomorrow be remembered for! When the future generations look back on who we are now, what will they reminisce about? It also spoke of how this generation has borrowed the other generations for inspiration such as clothing and hairstyle and lifestyle in general.

But what styles will we be remembered for?

When i was younger i vowed never to wear granny clothes. In fact, i still don't want to become an elderly person. They must have so much insight and be so wise and yet, they freak me out and i never want to be one!!!!! But i always thought that my clothing style would never change. I have never seen the reason to stop wearing jeans and tshirts.

I guess if you consider the significant events that have taken place over the decades, perhaps the times have influenced the culture of society.

But perhaps that's the interesting concept with this generation. We've exhausted our options and we're happy just to exist. We're more into gadgets and upgrades rather than our changing lifestyles. Perhaps we will be known for owning out of date and historic televisions that weren't digital or for our analog mobile phones. Perhaps technology and social networking is what this age is about.

I'm personally still waiting for the futuristic age with hovercrafts and airlock doors and funky clothes!

It will be interesting to age.

I don't want to get old but i do wonder what the 'thousands' will be remembered for!


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