~*Tinkerbelle*~ STOP THE TRAFFIK

Friday, April 20, 2012

No Children

I've never EVER wanted children of my own and to a certain extent i still DON'T want my own children. Just the other day i was watching a lady take her toddler child into a petrol station in search of a toilet and thanked God i was not burdened with children. I can still honestly say i never want them.

However, I would like to get married and chances are, if that ever happens, my husband will unfortunately want to have kids. It's an issue I will need to discuss with him. I think though, when you love someone, you will do whatever it takes to make them happy, so some compromise will be in order i suppose. haha....i don't know what that even looks like....
The idea of being in love with someone and spending the rest of my life with them, and only them alone, excites me. i don't want any interferance with that. Kids will just seem to ruin all of that, hence the reason i've NEVER had the desire to have my own children. Not ever.
Sometimes i feel so horrible and selfish and especially guilty because of the countless women who can't have their own children. And who knows, I'm so old now that maybe i can't even have kids myself. But I feel awful because if it was possible, i'd gladly give them my reproductive system so they could be happy. But even that in itself is such a miserable thing to say.


Over the past week or so I've been thinking about what I would call my kids if i had them.

Now, i know this contradicts everything i have just said but on the off chance that it accidentally happened or that i loved my man THAT MUCH that i gave in (hahahaha no chance ha!), it has been fun just letting my mind wander.

The unfortunate part about being single so late in the normality of most people's lives, is that everyone is taking the names I've put so much time in thinking of. For instance, my cousin just recently had a baby and called her Charlotte. It's unfortunate because i love that name (awesome choice Alice!) but now i've had to cross it off my list. Although, I've made an exception to that which I will explain.
So the purpose of this email is to warn everyone (not give them ideas!!!!!) that I have dibs on the following names and that you, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, are NOT allowed to call your child these names....
So for girls these are my reserved names....DO NOT USE....
*Haddie/Hadie (pronounced had-ee)
*Matilda (Tilly)

And for boys I'm not so good at names. I hate pretty much every boys name out there....but these are the ones I've settled on.


Now, like i said, my cousin already took the name Charlotte. But i am HOPING that if i ever had a boy, I could get away with Charlie. I would need to check. hahaha.....OH the name etiquette of families.....

Anyways, like i already said, i pray to God children are NEVER on my agenda, unless they're adopted or fostered, i would love to do that, but if per chance God has other ideas, those are the names you, or anyone else for that matter, are not allowed to use!



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