~*Tinkerbelle*~ STOP THE TRAFFIK

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Countcha Blessings Baby!

I realise i have been blogging a lot of God stuff quite a bit in recent days but i guess that's because i've been hearing God whispering relatively clearly into my ear lately - and i LOVE it!

I had random lunch with a friend today and just by speaking with her, God revealed to me how blessed i am.

I was just whinging about my crap week (i KNOW it's only Tuesday) and being all self-absorbed and pathetic and telling her how tired i've been this week and how much (bad) attitude i seemed to be having and she was just listening, nodding her head, doing all the typical friend things friends usually do.

At one point though i got all excited about how i randomly saw her and how we randomly had lunch and how good it was that i was going to see lots of people this weekend and how good it would be hearing the preaching at Flayva and how this was the best wee........and then it hit me, how much blessing i was receiving from God this week. I felt so disappointed in myself and so ashamed that 2 seconds before that i was whinging and complaining about my crapola week.

Sometimes i think i am having a much worse time than i actually really am and that's when i need a swift kick up the bum from someone to let God take over instead of me. I need to stop taking hold of the reigns coz God can do a much better job at the controls than i can. I guess my attitude and my tiredness has also given satan a pretty stronghold in my life this week, which is never a good thing. I've agreed with him that this week is horrible, i've allowed satan to shred every blessing God has showered me with and it's wrong and i'm going to make a concerted effort by God's help not to let satan ruin my week anymore than what he already has!

I asked another friend if her day was getting better and she said it was, she commented how Good God is and how blessed she is and i couldn't agree with her more!

Before i blogged this, i quickly opened an email from a friend about Verse of the Day and i'm not usually a fan of these sort of websites but i disciplined myself to read the passage on the front page. There was a prayer at the end that caught my attention which said this...

Dear Father, you have blessed me with so many wonderful blessings. I thank you for each and every one of them. At the same time, dear Father, I do long to be brought into your presence in glory as your child. The pain and heartache of the world, the fragility of my body, and my frustration with my own vulnerability to sin keep me longing for the day that your Son returns in glory. Until that day, help me as I try to be your holy child. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

I thought it was so powerful and so cool. I guess it may have only been meant for me at that specific moment but things that God is sharing with me are too good to keep to myself in case he plans on sharing them with someone else as well.

Tink xoxo


  • I'm too blessed to be stressed
    And too anointed to be disappointed!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 20, 2005  

  • Suzie mc Cool is a mean mean individual. She constantly taunts, teases and harrases me. She is not as innocent and nice as she comes across and i thought that everybody needed to know that...it's all an act!!
    She makes me cry:(

    And the biggest thing is...she's not even that cool!


    Now if you'll excuse me i'm going off to cry in to a pillow of shattered dreams...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 22, 2005  

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