A Hunter Experience
Last weekend i packed up my bags and left my cosy unit to share a couple of nights at the Hunter residence and what a truly wonderful experience it was.
Dina, a good friend of mine, was running her joint while the olds were away and invited me to stay with her for a few nights because she didn't want to get scared or lonely. Poor kid!
So i agreed.
I stayed on Thursday night (after winning the $50 at karaoke), Friday night and Saturday night. Oh what a jolly time we had!
As I said, after karaoke we headed home to her house. She gave me the grand tour of the Hunter house and then took me into the room i'd be staying in, Yaz's. Well?! It's lined with women's rights books, stickers, you name it?! And in her rebel days, she stuck profane stickers on her cupboard door - it was quite enlightening to say the least. The next day, Dina (let's just call her Mozzie for short) dropped me to the station so i could get to work. Mozzie packed me a healthy lunch and made the other people guilty and jealous. She packed me a ham roll, an apple and a muesli bar. Gosh it was awesome!!! And i felt so healthy afterwards.
That afternoon i bought Mozzie a cheese and bacon roll and scabbed a baker's delight balloon for her to say thank you. (I don't think the balloons were for giving away coz the lady looked at me weird when i asked for one - maybe it was just my age!)
Friday night was Earlwood Youth Group. So before we headed out, we both sat down to a lovely 'family' meal. A little bit of domestic arguing was shared between the two of us but nothing over the top and although Mozzie's irratedness and alcoholism was brought to the table, no-one was hurt, although Casper did misbehave and was put outside - i think that's what sparked everything!
So we both got strapped in to the car with our 10 kids and headed to youth group - does that sound a little bit wrong to you?
Rock climbing was the activity of the night and it was fun. If i get the chance i'll put up some pics of the night. Afterwards it was back to Mozzie's house but we decided to hang out with our friend Matt instead, so we picked him up and went for a midnight run to Krispy Kremes and what frivolity was had there. We met with Nathaniel Maxwell who kindly saw to our every need and we waved to his family as they all departed his workplace. We also laughed hard at the many people who tried to rattle their way into KK's after the manager had locked the doors and Mozzie and Matt reminisced about old times.
Saturday was a boring, dumb day. Had to be up early for SYB practice (Sydney Youth Band) which finished at 12pm where i then went back to Mozzies house. Mozzies mum had left for me a set of keys to use while i stayed with Mozzie - she is such a darl. So once i was back at the Hunter residence, i let myself in with the keys. WEIRD!!!!! As i wandered around aimlessly, i decided to watch telly until Mozzie returned. But alas, i didn't have the faintest clue how to turn on the damn television set. So i decided to have a crack at the computer and it worked!!!! The night before, i'd seen the original sims game on the bookshelf and so played the original sims game. WOW... you just never appreciate something until you have to use an older version! It was good though, so many fond memories of my original sim playing days! I fixed up her Felangi family (disgraceful state Mozz!), they were on the brink of death quite literally! Mozzie eventually got home and paraded her days shopping. Quite a good shop for her pirate party later that night.
We had lunch....
I'm just going to stop at this point and say that i was fed a multitude of food!!!!! Mozzie is Egyptian and so her mother prepared a truckload of food - you think i'm exaggerating but i'm not! We were literally stuffed full for every meal?! I'm 100% not joking! And Mrs H's cooking is THE BEST!!!!! Not only was there enough to feed the five thousand but it was so delish!!!!
Anyway, back to my stay....
So after lunch we played PS1 and man, those games suck?! I lost every single game - pretty much coz Mozzie cheated pretty much all the time?!
After a very short play, it was time to get ready for the evening. I went about my business getting ready for our SYB concert with the NZYB hahaha....the New Zealand Youth Band while Mozzie went about getting ready for her party. Man, you shoulda seen her, she looked like an authetic pirate!!!!! She looked so good, she's great at dressing up, if you ever want to know what to wear to a fancy dress party, ask Mozzie to fix you up?!
We parted ways, i to my concert and her to her party.
The concert was good. Our lack of practice was pretty evident i thought coz no-one hardly turns up to our band practices and so we had like a crash course practice earlier in the morning. But yea, the night went ok. New Zealand band are pretty good - nah actually, they're really good! But Mozzie missed us playing *sniff*. She got there an hour into it though and we had a bit of a giggle about people etc. The night finished with pizza and good times. I learnt that Ashley Sheppard was in love with Canadian Chris and Emma Bailey was in love with Tristan Anderson-Mann. Quite an eventful night.
It ended by going back to the Hunter residence with Erin Bubb and her friend Vanessa from Wollongong church. I let Erin and Vanessa into the house and showed them into the room where they'd be staying. I also showed them where the bathroom was etc. This is not my house people and i felt extremely awkward - it was one of those moments where you think, 'dude, i've been in this house too long?!' Mozzie and I picked up Matt who also stayed at the Hunter residence. The five of us stayed up til about 1am chatting about lots of funny things, although most things Matt says is either funny or the spin he puts on it makes people laugh. Erin and Vanessa decided to hit the sack and us three stayed up talking and laughing more til about 3am. Matt decided that the next day he was going to buy a tamagotchi and that they would now become the latest craze again. He also found a rape helpline yoyo with which he showed to us his
yoyo-ing skills, one including 'drag the dog' - just nod and agree.
Soon we were all snoozing.
Sunday morning, Mozzie headed off to Rockdale Salvos and the four of us headed off to Earlwood Salvo's (although two turned off into the college where they were meeting up with Canadian Chris, of whom i should call CC, to go to the City Salvos aka Congress Hall). After church, Mozzie, Matt and myself headed back to the Hunter residence for lunch and after lunch, for the sake of Matt, we went shopping for his damn tamagotchi (pronounced tom-a-got-chi). We found one and he named it Ash, what better three letter name could he have chosen - i mean he did like her forever - tehehe...?!
And that folks was pretty much the end of my stay at the Hunter residence!
Tink xoxo
PS: Mozzie, i will replace your straws!
Dina, a good friend of mine, was running her joint while the olds were away and invited me to stay with her for a few nights because she didn't want to get scared or lonely. Poor kid!
So i agreed.
I stayed on Thursday night (after winning the $50 at karaoke), Friday night and Saturday night. Oh what a jolly time we had!
As I said, after karaoke we headed home to her house. She gave me the grand tour of the Hunter house and then took me into the room i'd be staying in, Yaz's. Well?! It's lined with women's rights books, stickers, you name it?! And in her rebel days, she stuck profane stickers on her cupboard door - it was quite enlightening to say the least. The next day, Dina (let's just call her Mozzie for short) dropped me to the station so i could get to work. Mozzie packed me a healthy lunch and made the other people guilty and jealous. She packed me a ham roll, an apple and a muesli bar. Gosh it was awesome!!! And i felt so healthy afterwards.
That afternoon i bought Mozzie a cheese and bacon roll and scabbed a baker's delight balloon for her to say thank you. (I don't think the balloons were for giving away coz the lady looked at me weird when i asked for one - maybe it was just my age!)
Friday night was Earlwood Youth Group. So before we headed out, we both sat down to a lovely 'family' meal. A little bit of domestic arguing was shared between the two of us but nothing over the top and although Mozzie's irratedness and alcoholism was brought to the table, no-one was hurt, although Casper did misbehave and was put outside - i think that's what sparked everything!
So we both got strapped in to the car with our 10 kids and headed to youth group - does that sound a little bit wrong to you?
Rock climbing was the activity of the night and it was fun. If i get the chance i'll put up some pics of the night. Afterwards it was back to Mozzie's house but we decided to hang out with our friend Matt instead, so we picked him up and went for a midnight run to Krispy Kremes and what frivolity was had there. We met with Nathaniel Maxwell who kindly saw to our every need and we waved to his family as they all departed his workplace. We also laughed hard at the many people who tried to rattle their way into KK's after the manager had locked the doors and Mozzie and Matt reminisced about old times.
Saturday was a boring, dumb day. Had to be up early for SYB practice (Sydney Youth Band) which finished at 12pm where i then went back to Mozzies house. Mozzies mum had left for me a set of keys to use while i stayed with Mozzie - she is such a darl. So once i was back at the Hunter residence, i let myself in with the keys. WEIRD!!!!! As i wandered around aimlessly, i decided to watch telly until Mozzie returned. But alas, i didn't have the faintest clue how to turn on the damn television set. So i decided to have a crack at the computer and it worked!!!! The night before, i'd seen the original sims game on the bookshelf and so played the original sims game. WOW... you just never appreciate something until you have to use an older version! It was good though, so many fond memories of my original sim playing days! I fixed up her Felangi family (disgraceful state Mozz!), they were on the brink of death quite literally! Mozzie eventually got home and paraded her days shopping. Quite a good shop for her pirate party later that night.
We had lunch....
I'm just going to stop at this point and say that i was fed a multitude of food!!!!! Mozzie is Egyptian and so her mother prepared a truckload of food - you think i'm exaggerating but i'm not! We were literally stuffed full for every meal?! I'm 100% not joking! And Mrs H's cooking is THE BEST!!!!! Not only was there enough to feed the five thousand but it was so delish!!!!
Anyway, back to my stay....
So after lunch we played PS1 and man, those games suck?! I lost every single game - pretty much coz Mozzie cheated pretty much all the time?!
After a very short play, it was time to get ready for the evening. I went about my business getting ready for our SYB concert with the NZYB hahaha....the New Zealand Youth Band while Mozzie went about getting ready for her party. Man, you shoulda seen her, she looked like an authetic pirate!!!!! She looked so good, she's great at dressing up, if you ever want to know what to wear to a fancy dress party, ask Mozzie to fix you up?!
We parted ways, i to my concert and her to her party.
The concert was good. Our lack of practice was pretty evident i thought coz no-one hardly turns up to our band practices and so we had like a crash course practice earlier in the morning. But yea, the night went ok. New Zealand band are pretty good - nah actually, they're really good! But Mozzie missed us playing *sniff*. She got there an hour into it though and we had a bit of a giggle about people etc. The night finished with pizza and good times. I learnt that Ashley Sheppard was in love with Canadian Chris and Emma Bailey was in love with Tristan Anderson-Mann. Quite an eventful night.
It ended by going back to the Hunter residence with Erin Bubb and her friend Vanessa from Wollongong church. I let Erin and Vanessa into the house and showed them into the room where they'd be staying. I also showed them where the bathroom was etc. This is not my house people and i felt extremely awkward - it was one of those moments where you think, 'dude, i've been in this house too long?!' Mozzie and I picked up Matt who also stayed at the Hunter residence. The five of us stayed up til about 1am chatting about lots of funny things, although most things Matt says is either funny or the spin he puts on it makes people laugh. Erin and Vanessa decided to hit the sack and us three stayed up talking and laughing more til about 3am. Matt decided that the next day he was going to buy a tamagotchi and that they would now become the latest craze again. He also found a rape helpline yoyo with which he showed to us his
yoyo-ing skills, one including 'drag the dog' - just nod and agree.
Soon we were all snoozing.
Sunday morning, Mozzie headed off to Rockdale Salvos and the four of us headed off to Earlwood Salvo's (although two turned off into the college where they were meeting up with Canadian Chris, of whom i should call CC, to go to the City Salvos aka Congress Hall). After church, Mozzie, Matt and myself headed back to the Hunter residence for lunch and after lunch, for the sake of Matt, we went shopping for his damn tamagotchi (pronounced tom-a-got-chi). We found one and he named it Ash, what better three letter name could he have chosen - i mean he did like her forever - tehehe...?!
And that folks was pretty much the end of my stay at the Hunter residence!
Tink xoxo
PS: Mozzie, i will replace your straws!
Oh Huzzah!
Fun times had by all!!!!!
Twas a fun time indeed!
Thanks for coming leesh! I had a blast!
And that was a fine blog! TWO KUDOS!!!! Oh sorry, wrong site.
I didn't cheat on playstaion1 I'm just very very good from lots and lots of practice.
top job cum! I loved it!
-Moojaguffer xoxox
Ps. Mozzie doesn't work so well. Sorry.
By Anonymous, at August 12, 2006
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