~*Tinkerbelle*~ STOP THE TRAFFIK

Friday, September 29, 2006

29th September - 1st October: Prayer weekend for Human Trafficking

As the title suggests, this weekend is the prayer weekend for Human Trafficking.


With that in mind and because it was the last bible study before the holidays where we have a break for two weeks, I decided to focus on Human Trafficking.

The bible study went REALLY well. The amount of material i had wasn't much (we were hoping for a short bible study) and yet we went to the full length of bible study because of so many questions and topics that required covering which meant we had to cut out other things we'd planned.

Anyway, to finish the study I had them all sit around a table and peel potatoes (there were a couple of cluey ones who wanted to know why they were peeling potatoes). While they peeled potatoes I asked them all to quietly pray for traffickers, people being trafficked, governments making laws against human trafficking and the organisations who are taking a stand against this atrocity. I played some soft music for them to listen and reflect upon.

Honestly, myself or Julie Campbell had never heard them be quiet for any length of time before so it was strange for us haha....

After they'd finished peeling their potatoes i told them that children their age and alot younger in other countries where human trafficking was predominant were being forced to do this every hour of every day in child slavery.

The hush that fell over them and the look in some of their faces was complete astonishment and horror - of course as soon as some of them realised they'd given away more than they were willing, they put their heads down to hide their shock.

It was a pretty powerful way to end bible study and they all seemed to enjoy the night which was a bonus!

But it wasn't just a loud wakeup call only to these young people, it also made me realise almost at point blank what those in slavery go through.

I saw in the flesh children replicating a small fraction of what a life of slavery was like. These guys at bible study are no older than 16, some as young as 13 and the difficulty that some of them had at peeling a single potatoe was really obvious. It brought tears to my eyes to have to think of those in slavery, some of them being alot younger than the guys at bible study and to see in the flesh a small glimmer of the difficulty and pain they'd go through no play, little rest etc. It truly was chilling and sent a shiver down my spine to watch those guys peeling potatoes as if they were being trafficked in another country.

So please join with us and the rest of the world this weekend in praying for this mess that we've all, unless you've turned a blind eye to it, got ourselves into!

Tink xoxo


  • after i read ur blog i went to work and i had to peel potatoes i almost started crying thinking that kids are doing this for a living its really sad :(... its good to hear ur heart for such a bad thing love ya...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 01, 2006  

  • Ohhh such a creative idea to get an important message accross in biblestudy Alisha!

    Glad it had an enormous impact!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 14, 2006  

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