~*Tinkerbelle*~ STOP THE TRAFFIK

Friday, August 12, 2005

Psalm 116:11 - It is well with my soul

It's amazing what people miss in a Sunday morning's Bible reading. Whether that's because people are still half asleep or whether it's because their mind wanders off to another place or whether it's because their eyes are just open and the rest of them is switched off or whether people just plain and simply just miss it, it's just quite odd.

On Sunday the 7th August 2005 i picked up something in the morning service that quite amused me. Although evidently no-one else seemed to pick up on it (according to their blank faced reactions) not even Anna who was sitting next to me until i pointed out the verse that had just been read and she chortled. It could possibly have been that there were more men in the house than women, i'm not quite sure what the deal was.

Now, before i jot down this finding that i made i want to say that i have heard many a bible verse that make men proud....i've have never heard of quite so many verses that make women proud....until now. I've heard of the verse in Ephesians 5:22, the verse in 1 Corinthians 7:39, the verse in Proverbs 21:9, 21:19, 27:15 but this verse i found would have to put the icing on the cake - at least for the women. It goes a little something like this.....

"And in my dismay I said, ............(wait for it)...............ALL MEN ARE LIARS."
Psalm 116:11

That's right, read it and weep lads!!!!!!! What's that about the bible being the sword?? Welllllll, haha, on guard.....TAKE THAT......

Now I know what you're thinking, stop being so silly and it's quite true, i AM in fact taking these verses quite out of context but sometimes in life it's fun to find things in the bible and purposely take them out of context (although not in seriousness, only in fun), and it can even make bible reading really enjoyable, it's also a great way of remembering a verse (the one above is etched on my mind now!!! haha).

I guess you have to keep in mind the days that all these verses were written too and take that into consideration (it was a hugely male dominated society) and there are a whole lot of things that need to be kept in mind and in all seriousness, we do have to understand that women's lib only came into effect in the 1960's/1970's hehehe.....

I love the sense of humour God gave me and i think that says that my maker has a little bit of a sense of humour himself, don't you think?

99% urgently serious, absolutely gracious, loving, forgiving, caring and totally great company and great value.
1% a total cracker of a blast to have around!

That's my God.

Tink xoxo


  • And in my dismay I said, "All men are liars".

    Was it was a man who said that.. maybe he was lying about all men being liars.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 12, 2005  

  • I'm not lyin' when i say, "I love ya, baby."


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 17, 2005  

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