Staff Training
Why is it that, in order to be a qualifed community worker, i need to be aware of the following statement (which i came across in my studies), and yet, it doesn't seem to be adequate enough information for the workplace in which i am trying to gain full-time employment for?????
The more i read about the Community Services Industry (CSI), the more horrified i am by the way in which employees are being taken on for where I envision myself becoming involved and working. Ughhh.....perhaps i shouldn't be undertaking these just makes me mad!!!
If this place of work which I am trying to get into is serious about hiring QUALIFIED individuals then perhaps they themselves need to study what i am studying and perhaps they may need to consider the following.....
"Staff training
Organisations should ensure that all staff have access to induction training on starting their employment and ONGOING CROSS CULTURAL AWARENESS TRAINING. Guest speakers from different groups could be invited to talk on a range of topics including current issues, racism and social isolation. (!!!!!!!!)
Cross cultural training should also provide workers with the opportunity to look at their own values and attitudes and how they impact on their behaviour with clients. This will directly affect service provision and the effective operation of an organisation.
Training should also include an understanding of the legislative requirements and ensure compliance in the workplace through the organisations policies and procedures."
~ OTEN Cert 4 in Community Services Material