~*Tinkerbelle*~ STOP THE TRAFFIK

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Amen the Blackman is back!!!!

It's kinda weird having two blogs atm but i figure all the stuff i wanna say, i'll put on my camp blog but all the stuff i'm too scared to say i'll put here in the hope that my friends will get a kick out of my more relaxed stories, and more regular, ordinary blog!




Seriously, i think the african americans are my favourite part about this country!!!! They always make me smile and and i just love them!!! i suppose it could have something to do with the fact that somehow, i accidentally got placed in the wrong bucket of dipping paint and am extremely jealous that i am not one of them!!!!

Altho, one of my african american campers once said to me, 'Alisha, to me, you ARE african american!'

For the love of George! I wanted to keep her!

It's my dream to attend a gospel church, to sing in the gospel choir and to be surrounded by a throng of african americans as my friends, family and anyone else you can think of.

They my people, they got my back!

Sorry white pasties but i'm ALWAYS gonna be racist against you - you just don't got it!!!! You can't move, you can't sing, you're all stuck up and seriously people, where's the love at?! In my heart, i am definitely not one o' ya!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Link Cleaning

I've recently noticed that a lot of my links to people's blogs on your right are no longer active.

I am about to delete some of those links.

Not because i'm not friends with those people but purely because the blogs are outdated, some have not posted for a number of years.

If this offends anyone ie. you, write me a note and let me know so i can restore the link but I'm pretty sure it's not going to bother anyone, which is a pretty big generalisation!!!

Likewise, if you have a blog link you'd like me to add, let me know so I can add it!!!

It is definitely something I don't want to do and i am actually tempted to leave the links there for the sake of history but OCD gets the better of me and i need to tidy up my links.

**NB: I don't actually really have OCD but sometimes, i get the need to tidy things up, put things in place, restore order!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Camp Blog

Hey! Make sure you follow!!!

Shortest post ever. I know.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Friends are Silver, but Old Friends are Gold

I'm going through one of those seasons in my life where everything changes constantly.

Lately I've noticed such a weird change in friendships and the circles of friends that are ours in our lifetime. This is an area of constant change in my life at the moment.

The cycle of the friendship circle is such a bizarre and interesting concept.

I was just part of a wedding yesterday which was beautiful, but the friendship thing interested me. I was the maid of honour for an old friend from high school and i finished high school 12 years ago, so to be part of that ceremony was beautiful on so many levels. For the most part of the night I hung out with my best friend from high school who was also invited to the wedding and it was so good to catch up with her. The last time i saw her was two years ago at our 10 year reunion. It was a good feeling to know that even though we hadn't seen each other for 10 years, our friendship is so strong that it seemed like yesterday we were still driving down the main street of our town blaring music from our car and ordering all the junk food and movies we could find!!! Good times but so many more to be had.

Then after the wedding i chilled with another friend who i've only known for 7 months, a relatively new friend.

I have yet another friend who i don't see too much at all these days and yet used to spend quite a lot of time with.

The topic of friendships is something my brain tries to comprehend and to make sense of and yet i just can't seem to understand how it works.

Every once in a while i think about 80, 90 year old people and my mind starts reeling! I think about the friends i've had in my life and the friends i will have and the dramas, joys and sorrows that go along with that. It makes me feel so overwhelmed. I can't even comprehend their lives!

Imagine getting to be an old person, 80 or 90, imagine all the life experiences you'd have, the people you'd outlive. Imagine getting to that age and making a new friend - it's crazy!!! And then still yet, imagine still having a best childhood friend still alive with you.

I think about marriage and love and how you invest your whole being into one person for however many years and then i think about losing that person either through divorce or through death and how lost and lonely people must feel.

Old people must have so many stories and so many experiences, they too were young once, they made the same mistakes we all experience at some point. They weren't always old and forgetful.

I just sometimes wonder who the next lot of friends i'll have will be. Who are the ones i'll remember and who will i forget?

It's hard enough comprehending things like this in life. Heck, it's hard enough trying to comprehend being 80 or 90 years old and should we even look that far ahead anyway? So to try and comprehend something like eternity, is a complete impossible task.

This probably doesn't make sense, i just kinda typed out things that were going through my mind, which i occasionally do. I think i'd make a good candidate for psych school students!


NB: This was a draft i found in my blogs - i have no idea why i didn't post it!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

No Laughing. No Smiling. Not Today.

So i was laying in bed last night trying to understand a lot of things and failing. I kept asking too many questions to the God of the universe. I love him, i do. My heart belongs completely to him, there is absolutely none like him without a doubt but i got so angry at him. I got so angry that i literally had this vision of myself coming up against a brick wall and slamming it, losing absolute sanity, hitting it, kicking it in a fit of outrage, losing it like when someone goes absolutely nuts.

Then i stopped. When i stopped, i realised i was just laying in bed and had come to the end of my questions. I was so frustrated that i had no answers, that i'd hit a brick wall and the 'vision' was from complete lack of knowledge and helplessness, i could do nothing else BUT lash out at this wall in front of me. Then, laying there, i cried.

There are some things in life that we have no power or control over.

There are some places in life that we are so far removed from that all we can feel is helplessness.

There are far too many things that are left unsaid or kept hidden, that should be spoken and poured out from the heart.

God knows my heart. He is mine and i am his and that's why i can be angry at him. He understands my inability to understand, he knows my frustration, he knows my grief and although i am still angry, still incredibly sad, i will take comfort and refuge in his embrace, in his peace.

"Your smile brings me joy. I truly hope God puts you back in my life one day. Your smile warms my heart and i will remember it forever. I will truly miss you"
~ Blake Webb

I will miss you too Blake. I always have and now I always will.